Monday, February 23, 2009

Pics 'round the house on a rainy day....

Deuteronomy 28:12The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands.

A few pics out of the office window of our home....

The mossy rock in the backyard taken from the balcony out our bedroom..
A wider view for perspective. I'm just lovin' the rainy weather!!

At the suggestion in one of Dawn's blog post at The Feathered Nest, I went 'round the house snapping a view vignettes.
Hope you enjoy!

Dawn also mentioned to just show pics and less commentary, so that's my way of getting out of writing I feel like I don't have much of anything interesting to say anyway! ;-)


  1. Oh sweet Myrna, it's Ok if you write but sometimes the thoughts are just not there are they? Your beautiful photos speak volumes...they say you have a gorgeous yard, wonderful taste, that you love the Lord and that you're very happily married!! hugs to you sweet friend ~ xxoo, Dawn

  2. Myrna, I just discovered Dawn at the feathered nest and adore her blog, chick. I can't believe I'd never seen her before. Well, that ain't happening again.....

    I was surprised at the pix that put that moss covered rock into perspective. I thought it was doll furniture at first. You did good with your camera shots, honey.


  3. Great pictures! Show us more. Sally

  4. Hi Myrna... lovely vignettes... as always

  5. Hello Myrna,
    Loved this post. I agree with Dawn, your pictures spoke volumes about your life and home. You have a beautiful home and I always enjoy seeing your pictures. God Bless!

  6. Myrna, these vignette photos are so pretty. I love the little suitcase full of pretty treasures. laurie

  7. I loved the pictures. And just a little description of what they are and you have a great post. Works for me. Have a great day.

  8. Oh rain how I love it...Been along while since we saw any..
    10mls since the 10th December in fact!
    Rainy days are so cosy and make me feel crafty

  9. Hi Myrna, hope you have been feeling better lately. Love your rainy day photos, I love to listen to rain fall. Like your vignette photos too. That is what I am going to do a bit of this week since I am sick again, take photos around the house.

  10. I love your vignettes and less is always more.

    Have a Terrific Tuesday
    from Roberta Anne

  11. Hi Myrna..where have you been lately...missed you...loved the rainy day photos!
    ;-) Bo
