Monday, April 25, 2011

Lindy at 16 months

For all you grandmothers out know exactly how I feel~I am just over-the-moon in love with my granddaughter!! ;-)

Lindy in her Easter dress..

Easter Family Portrait.

Tomorrow is Courtney's birthday and we're starting celebrating today. Steve is joining us for lunch at a new restaurant we want to try out..they serve beet burgers among other odd concoctions..hmmm!  Then Court and I'll maybe do a little thriftin'~she's a girl after my own heart, and one of my best friends. Isn't it wonderful when your kids grow up and become great friends with you? Have a lovely day!

"When we love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is:

the lovely with the unlovely,

the strong along with the fearful,

the true mixed in with the facade,

and of course,

the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way."

{Mister Rogers}


  1. Oh, Lindy is a doll! I love the one standing up in the blue dress! Her smile reminds me of Amy but then she looks like Zac in her eyes? So precious!

  2. I LOVE the photos Carrie was able to get of Lindy!! It's not easy to capture a perfect pic of her these day...always on the move:)!

    Love you, looking forward to seeing you next month!

  3. Lindy is just a true babydoll and I can see why ~ it is in her genes!! Happy bday to your daughter!! Hope ya'll have a great day together!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  4. What a gorgeous cutie! She is like an adorable little doll.

  5. Oh my, Myrna, what fantastic pictures. You can just see the personality come out in each one. She is gorgeous. Love Laura

  6. Ohhhhh my goodness!!! Lindy is getting so big and she is soooo Beautiful, like her moma!!! Such a good~looking family!
